Hi Everyone, Im Lusine, from Kond. Me and my family living here for generations. M...
Hi Everyone, my name is Manan, and I'm on my journey to become a journalist. I'm 1...
Здравствуйте, я Гнун. Мы с женой Ларисой инженеры, сейчас наслаждаемся отдыхом в н...
Hello! We are the Simonyan family, residing in the Nor-Nork district of Yerevan fo...
Hi, I am Irina, I was born and raised in Alaverdi. For me Lori region is one of th...
Привет, я Гоар! Необъятные горы, уютная небольшая деревня, чашка чёрного кофе в ко...
Hello, my name is Arman. My parents live in Teghut village near Dilijan, where we ...
I՛m a visual artist and established Open Air Studio Amphitheater already 5 years...
Dear friend, Let me introduce myself briefly and hope to meet you sometime soon in...
Привет всем! Меня зовут Сюзанна, и я живу в этом уютном доме с моей прекрасной сем...
Please welcome to Mr and Mrs Harutyunyan-Dantser's home! We are repatriates from ...
Greetings, dear friend. I work at the Dilijan tourist information center and stat...
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