Join the Local Life of a Family and Their Neighborhood.

Hello! I am Cao Nguyen Thi Kim Ha from Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh!

Ho Chi Minh Location
Hi, my name is Kim Ha. I'm really excited to show you about my neighborhood right now.

No need to be confused, you are welcomed to our place, but we don't live just ourselves. Everyone here is connected within the neighborhood and everyone is just like a large family.

This is a historic place with more than 200 years history. This heritage connects and bonds us already generations. My grandfather was the Head Monk and the guardian of the pagoda which is right next door. All the neighbors and the visitors of this holy shrine remember and respect our family.

We are looking forward to meeting and showing you our home and sharing the dearest we have in the community. You will see the routine of the locals enjoy delicious Vietnamese food together.

I hope I can share the pride of my family, the culture of the neighborhood and the beauty of these people <3

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